初めての生徒・黒鷲の学級 Student of the Black Eagles
(黒鷲の教室 昼)
Black Eagle Classroom | Daytime
カスパル: なにいっ! 担任って、あんたなのか!?まさか先生になるとは思わなかったぜ!
Caspar: Wait. So our new professor is...you? I didn't see that one coming.
ドロテア: カスパルくん、ちょっと。そんな言葉遣いでは失礼じゃない?
Dorothea: Easy, Caspar! Aren't you being a bit rude?
リンハルト: そりゃそうだけどね、こいつに敬語を期待するだけ無駄だって。
Linhardt: You know it's a waste of time to expect politeness from him.
It will be a pleasure learning from you, Professor.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to take a nap.
ベルナデッタ: ひえっ!? い、今、あたしを見ました!?お構いなく! お構いなくお願いします!
Bernadetta: Ah! Don't look at me like that! Oh, and...please don't talk to me too much either.
ドロテア: ごめんなさいねえ、混沌としてて……。
Dorothea: I'm sorry for the chaos you've walked into.
フェルディナント: ところでどうだろう、先生。私たちは同年代と聞いた。
Ferdinand: I hear we are rather close in age, Professor.
I hope you do not mind if we treat you like one of us.
In our class, we try to treat each other as equals, despite any differences in age or status.
Personally, I would love to include you in that inner circle.
Byleth: 構わない I don't mind at all.
ペトラ: 先生、腹、太い、素敵です。よろしく、願います。
Petra: You have a gut, Professor. I will take great joy from your teachings.
ドロテア: ん? ちょっと、ペトラちゃん。それを言うなら太っ腹でしょ?
Dorothea: Petra, I believe you mean to say that our professor has guts. That's a bit different from "having a gut".
ドロテア: こんなに細身で素敵な体形の人に、腹が太いなんて言っちゃダメよ。
You can't go around someone so slim and attractive has a gut.
have a gut と have guts は違うよとドロテアが説明している
ドロテア: 女性に向かって、腹が太い、は禁句よ。もちろん先生はすらりとして素敵だけど。
Dorothea: You can't go around saying someone so slim and attractive has a gut!
ペトラ: 申し訳ない、です。言葉、難しい、間違いある、あります。
Petra: Oh! Uh, please take my apologies. I have not yet mastered this language.
エーデルガルト: もちろん私に対しても、普通に接してくれて構わない。
Edelgard: Professor, I want you to know that it's perfectly acceptable for you to treat me as you do the others.
I may be the Imperial Princess, but here at the academy, I'm just another student.
That said, know that I have high expectations of you. And high hopes. But I'm certain you can lead the Black Eagle House to greatness.
カスパル: そうと決まれば、歓迎訓練だーっ!な、先生、とりあえず腕を見せてくれよ!
Caspar: Sure, sure. Now let's break the ice with a training session! I want to see our new teacher in action.
ペトラ: 腕、見せる、ですか?何のため、鎧、外させます?
Petra: Why will the ice be broken? Is this a custom I have missed in my studies?
カスパル: だあーっ、違うぜ。腕っつったら剣の腕に決まってんだろ!
Caspar: Not real ice, just the ice of...um― W-Well, it just means let's get to know each other.
break the ice について説明できないカスパル
ベルナデッタ: 訓練なんて、ごめんです!座学でお願いしますううう!
Bernadetta: I don't want to train! Let's stay in the classroom and...learn from a book.
ドロテア: 親睦を深めるために、まずはお茶の時間にしません? それがいいわよねえ、先生。
Dorothea: Let's all calm down and have a nice cup of tea, how about? Doesn't that sound lovely, Professor?
リンハルト: ……すやすや。
Linhardt: Zzz...
フェルディナント: 君たち、仲間として接すると言っても限度というものがあるだろう!
Ferdinand: I know we all agreed to treat each other as equals, but there is a limit to what I can tolerate.
The esteemed Black Eagle House requires order.
ヒューベルト: ククク……この騒ぎを静めるのが、最初の仕事のようですな、先生。
Hubert: Looks like your first job will be to quiet down this racket. I don't envy you.
エーデルガルト: ……普段は、もう少しだけまともだと思うから。
Edelgard: Ugh, they're not normally this...rowdy.
I do hope you can manage, Professor